
It all comes together

It all comes together : History Memes

It all comes together History Memes

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Researching history
History experts
It literally just started up a week or 2
I mean Gallipoli
How to tell the History of the balkans
I do the same thing.
My move is taking somebody from Mesopotamia to Hentai.
I actually want to hear this story

And then he stated the annales school...
Can I get an explanation on this one?
I felt this post on a spiritual level
Fuuuck that makes me feel safe
I feel attacked.
This is my ancient history tutor diving into a rabbit hole in our lectures.
There's a lot more lines to draw once you get to 1453 from the Trojan War, but that's the simplest to me.
Trojan war led to the founding of Rome. Rome to Constantinople. After the fall of Constantinople, the Ottomans occupy the Balkans until the Austrians rise (I'm skipping a lot). Hungary and the Balkans are split between the two powers, and the contentions that arise from that division (both religious and cultural) help lead to heightened Nationalism in the region and thus the spark for WW1.
Even I can’t trace that back to the Trojan war someone please explain
King of Kings starts in media res at Thermopylae iirc. Or maybe it was with Clint Eastwood...
Edit: Lets rather start where Dan Carlin starts his "Kings of Kings" - podcast.
Nice thing of history is that this point is hard to deny. I love it!
Where did Herodot start his chronics? There we need to start. Because it all leads up to the battle between the Greeks and the Persians, which in turn leads up to the survival of "western civilization".
Theres a lot more of history I can't cover but yes, there is a possibility that you can make a connection but I would not make that recommendation
After Rome, Charlemagne united all of Gaul and parts of Germany, forming what would later be the modern borders of France and the HRE (Later Germany). And if you know anything about history, these countries are very important.
Rome also assimilated the ideas of their more technologically neighbors and used those ideas and spread them to every part of the empire. Entire castles could have their origins dating back to the Roman and later, Western and Eastern Roman empire. Paved roads, sewage systems, wide spread literacy, military reforms, governments, and even languages were something Rome spread that the greeks made who were influenced from troy.
The greek colonization would also give Rise to Rome while also establishing Greek culture literally everywhere in Europe. The rise of Rome would begin a long process of assimilation, eradicating, spreading, and overall uniting most of Europe. The Roman empire would become the ideal empire that even 4-5 hundreds years after its fall, nations would still declare to be its successor.
If you really want to make it super complicated, somewhat. The fall of Troy gave rise to Hellenic presence which influenced the entire Mediterranean which gave rise to many ideals and technolgy that would serve as the foundation of the present while also having troy settlers settle down in Italia.
Genuine question, are world war 1 and troy truly interconnected? Like did the battle of Troy lead to some type of historical chain reaction of events that led to ww1? Sorry, I went to (a shitty) public school.
So did you tell them how the Torjan horse was a giant Mecha
-Someone out there, probably, i forgot ‎:P
Something along "...if it didn't start at the beginning of the universe, it's not the complete story..."
I'm a historian and my husband can't get a historical answer out of me without me starting with "Picture it, a warm summers day in Greece"
To add on to what the other person saying, I'd say the meme is about how ridiculously far back you can go if you want to play the blame game and explain all the reasons for the war.
I'm pretty sure they mean the Trojan War.
He’s a good bot
This guy goes nuts with them
Never knew that there was a name. Neat
Those contraptions are called Rube Goldberg machines, in case you were wondering
That’s amazing. The “Julius Caesar gets acupuncture” got me when I got to it. I lol’d a little.
The fact that I actually was able to find it is amazing.
Oh that sounds fun do you have a link?
I think a year back this one guy started drawing out the chain and people would add on. I added on the entire life of Rome
I don’t have something immediately off hand about a Troy to WWI chain but I bet it’s easier than I want to admit to come up with one.
A different dude built the horse so that her husband could take her back.
No no no. Troy fell because three goddesses were arguing about who was prettier. One offered a human the hottest woman on Earth to bang.
And the only reason troy fell is because some dude wanted to bone a chick and built a giant wooden horse.
Ok so Troy falling leads to Rome being founded. Then we have the whole course of Roman history. That takes us to either 476* or 1453 depending on who you ask.
I don’t have something immediately off hand about a Troy to WWI chain but I bet it’s easier than I want to admit to come up with one.
History is like one of the crazy contraptions from Tom and Jerry that has a ton of moving parts. Sometimes you can tell the immediate results of that piece failing or working as intended sometimes you can’t, but you know without it the planned contraption fails.
I haven't heard of the battle of troy.
History is absolutely insane and I love it!
Now go back to the first three sentences I wrote here, if Benedict Arnold doesn’t rally the men at Saratoga France probably doesn’t get involved, at least not for quite some more time, which squeezes the Americans supplies and morale, potentially causing less men to re-enlist, which possibly prevents future attacks or calculated risks, which could lead to an eventual surrender. Or if Arnold never gets hurt at Saratoga maybe he never gets so frustrated and angry with the US as to change sides, he was one of the best field commanders in the war, regardless of which side, but if he doesn’t turn, maybe John Andre continues to be a major player and possibly manages to come up with something even wilder than getting Arnold to defect and nearly manage to surrender West Point.
With the confederacy in the civil war being blockaded, it forced Europe to get a new cotton supplier, which changed the economic state of the world and balance slightly, maybe just enough to help start the war, or help trigger some of the other causes.
Not to mention Britain gained a lot of sway internationally following 7YW, and then nearly bankrupted itself in the American revolution, and with France taking part, etc, that in turn helped renew the countries hatred of the other, and ended up squeezing the French coffers, which in turn helped lead to the French Revolution, which lead toNapoleon, which lead to his wars. Those war’s started the French Blockade, which meant the British were desperate for sailors, so they kidnapped and more or less enslaved American sailors, which lead to 1812, which played a big part in American politics getting Harrison elected, who died shortly thereafter because he wouldn’t wear a jacket, thus the Tyler administration, and also more notably Andrew Jackson’s presidency. Jackson forced the native tribes out of the south, which changed the demographics and lowered land prices, which helped lead to plantations, and a demand for slaves which, among a myriad of other factors, lead to the American Civil War.
Even 70 years beforehand with the Belgium neutrality being protected by the UK is considered a cause. You could even consider the 7 years war a cause because of the link it creates through French Revolution to Napoleon to Franco-Prussian war and then to France losing territory and everyone being trigger happy
Franz Ferdinand being assassinated is widely regarded as being the spark that lit the fire, but Europe’s governments started pouring gasoline out for 20+ years in advance.
There’s about 100,000 reasons WWI started and so many were ludicrously unlikely to happen.
Context please.
Are you saying that the Battle of Troy created hentai?
Yeah, pretty much
Just chalk it up to history’s fault for being a sequence of events both directly and indirectly producing another sequence overlapping with hundreds of other simultaneous sequences with vague unknown patches sprinkled in there for extra confusion.
Reminds me how I talked 400 years of Japanese and Chinese History to answer the question of why China lost to Japan when it was significantly larger. As you can tell, I’m not great with scope
In all honesty though, when I studied history in uni, we had a question to explain the WW1 in very basic details, and people failed since they didn't talk about the Wien congress, and how it set up Europe for the later wars.
Actually, let's just skip the revolution. 'Tis a silly place.
Good thing is, you can simply stop there, but just to be safe, better go into the French revolution, the whole feudal system and monarchy, Charlemagne and the creation of what would become France and of course the fall of time, which also requires the creation of Rome.
And to explain that, we need to discuss about the Roman empire when it was united, the many emperors that both helped and messed up the empire, the Hunic and germ raids, and the conquests of Rome out of Italia
To explain that we must describe the split of the Roman Empire into the eastern and western Empires and the survival of the east while the west fell
And to explain that, you need to go into detail the rise of Islam, the many crusades that took place and the slow decline of the Byzantine empire
To explain that you need to go to the fall of constantinople which prompted explorers to find alternative routes to Asia and happening to discover the Americas on the way
And to explain that, you need to go through the French and American revolutions, which needs the context of European colonialism.

And to explain Napoleon's existence, you have to explain le sex that his parents had one nig- wait what?
And to explain how Germany got united you need to explain Napoleon.
At this point her face just screamed ''God pls couldn't you have given me a normal son''.
But then I realised you need to understand why WW1 started and I had to walk her back to the Franco-Prussian war and how the emergence of a powerful German Empire seemingly overnight had destabilised the power dynamics of Europe.
I had to tell her that we actually have to go back to WW1 as a starting point.
A brief summation;
My mom asked me why WW2 started.
Well, it all started when the the Sumerians fell. The world has never been the same since.
who takes a picture of my sleep paralysis demon
They probably know better. My family starts making popcorn/snacks if one of them decide to ask about this or about international politics in general.
I wish my family would ask these types of questions.
In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood.
A Certain Magical Index: In the beginning...
A Certain Scientific Railgun: Kaboom
Me: It all started with a very large explosion called the Big Bang...
Person: Why are Russia and the U.S enemies?
Jokes aside, hentai started in the mid edo period.
Its called the butterfly effect.
Roman walls protected the conception of 『H E N T A I』
Nah it all starts with rome and ceaser, without him the world would be unrecognizable.
Me: "It all started when Archduke Karl Ludwig named had a son named Franz."
Them: "Explain Hentai"
Wait, didnt Plato also visit Atlantis or was that someone else, cuz if so it was totally his fault it's gone now.
y'all make me feel dumb
There is no class system in Britain. Britain's (and the west at large's) social classes are an emergent phenomenon, not an engineered system of segregation.
Haha! I was waiting for this retort. Thank you. But given his context that of his life much of the backward projection can be ignored ie eugenics. His model was like the class system in effect today in Britain (the latest of not the most important system that segregates people).
Plato's system was pretty rough though. It's founded on deliberate lies (or myths) and very anti-democratic. It also had a very strict class system with (almost) no mobility as well as being pretty soldier oriented. Not to mention the borderline eugenics
History: all wars are your fault.
Plato: let's have an organized system benefiting the people.
Blame Plato. Apparently it's all his fault.
Man, I feel this meme
then< i ran out of time and got as far as the Bastille.
To explain the French Revolution to my brother just now, I had to backtrack to the fall of rome, the establishment of the feudal system, the development of absolute monarchy, and how nations themselves are kind of a new thing.

Stag do, in all likelihood
Wait, what are you doing in Prague?
Large Poland only available while stocks last. Reservation via pact is recommended
I'll have 2 world wars, a world war large, a number France with extra dip, a number Britain, Two number Nordic states, one with cheese, and a large Poland.
Sir, this is Austria
Oh right. Can I get a Baconator and a medium ice tea please
Sir, this is a Wendy’s
Just a couple more war arcs left mom, chill
I heard that it started when a bloke called Archie Duke shot an ostrich 'cause he was hungry.
Yeah. He had a half-brother who was actually Crown Prince to Kingdom of the North Pole circa 68AD. Unfortunately, there was a rather nasty incident involving a pack of wolves and he didn’t make it past his 16th birthday. Rudolph ascended to the crown and the rest, as us historians like to say, is history.
That’s the guy who was part reindeer and had a red nose right??
Wasn't it really because Crown Prince Rudolph slew his son and fed him to the gods at a feast, thus bringing a curse upon his house?
No. Now you’re confusing the start of WW1 with the Trojan War. A dude called Aegeus killed the dignitary on orders from Helen, and they ran off together. Come on man, this is a serious history sub, get your facts right!!
Wait... Does that mean Gavrilo Princip and Sophie of Hohenberg ran off and got married?
Everyone knows the Battle of Troy started when a dignitary from Greece visited Troy, his chariot took a wrong turn and as he was trying to reverse, he was killed by an anarchist with a spear to the neck. Pfff.
Talking about the Battle of Troy rather than the start of WW1....
Well, they were under the rule of Czech king...
And who chose him?
The czech king was weak.
yen another case of rich folks screwing their countries.
Their entire state was corrupted by egoistical nobility and unable to field strong army against the Ottomans.
It is not an incidental quirk that Hungary lost.
When he occupied Budapest he abandoned it shortly thereafter because he did not believe he could hold the city. Budapest was officially captured and occupied years later when the sultan returned again.
The Sultan actually ordered his army to make camp at Mohacs after the crushing victory because he was expecting the Hungarians to counterattack with their real army. He sent scouts out on every road to Budapest to see from which road the Hungarian army was approaching - his scouts made it to Budapest in days and back to tell him the road was empty. Even still, the Sultan advanced to Budapest cautiously because he couldn’t believe Hungary was destroyed in 1 battle.
Hungary was in dire straits going into that battle. Suleiman couldn't believe that Hungary didn't have any more troops coming.
But if you want to talk about Hentai specifically, the antecedent was there well before both world wars, and if you want to look at illustrated pornography for mass consumption have a google of “Shunga”....you won’t be disappointed.
From the earliest times, Man has always had a passion for drawing tits. And penises. And vulva/vaginas. And assholes. And all those things in various formats and arrangements.
"Sir, he knows"

I thought it dates back to Edo woodcarving?
Nah, the Japanese started making that way back in the Heian period.
I mean, hentai tho
We really shouldn’t
Maybe we should be thanking that Hungarian commander
If they had instead invested in military, they'd have more chads.
No way. The US became the military power of the japanese after WW2. This freed their capital to be invested in technology. More technology (video games as an example) lead to more "indoors" people, which lead to more art, then hentai.
After the bomb, the accessibility of manga’s production made it erupt in popularity among consumers. All it took to create meaningful stories with stylized art was a piece of paper and a pencil. I’m sure someone with even more time than me could get into specifics...my assumption some mofo just learned the cool new art style but added enormous honkers.
Hentai is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can’t yet understand it.
What if- hentai is a universal constant? That of all of time...hentai will eventually exist in each timeline. It may not be made by the japanese- Maybe in one universe twas the germans...maybe in one it was the ottomans...but in the end, hentai is inevitable.
now I want to explore time and space just to see what circumstances lead to the development of hentai
Hentai is inevitable. Something else would have caused it
I... I mean... yea?
And, therefore, hentai.
The Austrians weren’t even in the scene in 1453, not really. The Hungarians looked like the real firewall that would challenge the ottomans but then they collapsed in one battle, in one afternoon at Mohács. It’s really the idiot Hungarian commander in the right flank at Mohacs who caused WW2.
And the fall of Constantinople would Lear to two great empires, the Austrians and the Ottoman to conquer and suppress the Balkan region
and been widely regarded as a bad move
I didn’t T-T Thanks for warning me btw, I appreciate that
I'm guessing you didn't get the Hitchhiker's reference.
The univerce wasnt serb
Forget this. I wanna be someone, do something.
There's not a where, there's not even a when. That's how every it gets
A long time ago, actually never
?How did this happen?
Is also made me sad, I'm sad, I miss you
and been widely regarded as a bad move .
Dog has sentenced him to mlems.
This made the universe's father angry, who punished him severely.
Aha, finally proof that jazz is the greatest evil the world has ever seen. This will show my theory professor! Fuck you Jeremy!
Aragorn over there singin lyrically and shit. Then we have the mouth of sauron being the most badass vocalist ever and he's just from the band inspired by the og metal band of Arda.
Melkor introduces evil into the universe by singing off-key.
It’s kind of funny if you think about it.
Discord of Melkor intensifies
Morgoth will remember that
Universe gets created
You’re a towel!
it was a radio drama first
Oh, and don’t forget to bring a towel.
The Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy. Read the books, listen to radio series, watch TV series. Maybe watch the film (I haven’t yet).
What book & movie?

In that case, I am looking forward to read this book and share my opinion later under this comment :D
You are in for a treat. Douglas Adams is one of the three people I've never met who had the most impact on my life.
No problem! Dont forget to bring a towel!
Thanks a lot :)
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy! Ot is a treasure!
Can u tell me the title of the book please? I really want to read it

Ya wanna shed a tear? He meant to write more of them, but it ends the way it did because he passed away before he could... Take a moment to appreciate how that ties to the end of the last one... (and yes, I did that w/o spoilers.)
There's a complete compilation of them all in one big book that I got from Barnes and Noble years ago. The ending is really fucking good.
The series is unreal. One of the best sci-fi's ever, and still really funny.
Yes, because I couldn't get my hands on an English copy of the second book. Is it good?
Did you only read the first book?
Eoin Colfer if I remember right. Mad respect for him, but it's not up to par with the other five.
The 6th one was actually finished by a ghost writer a few years back, if I'm remembering correctly. 6of3 was the url back when this was going on, not sure if that's still it.

there's a whole 5 hitchhiker books trilogy in 5 parts
There's 4 more books. I've only read the first one too, but yeah there's a whole 5 hitchhiker books
While reading the book, I always had the feeling that the real story would begin any moment. It was fun to read, but it's a bit short.
I really enjoyed it. And I've read the book. It didn't get the best reviews but you know how that goes.
Martin Freeman too.

Mr Right

Isn’t he in Moon?
Sam Rockwell has some bangers. 7 Psychos, Choke, Matchstick Men, of course Billboards, The Way Way Back, and the film that launched his career, Box of Moonlight. Great actor.
One of Sam’s best imo. He nails the manic energy of Zaphod
It’s aged very well. Sam Rockwell and Zooey Deschanel have spectacular performances
Is it? I saw it when it came out and not a fan. Maybe I should watch it again.
The movie is very underrated
Fuckin love that book & movie!
Don't forget to bring a towel!
Great news! The quarks are now happily married and in groups of three, called a proton or a neutron, and there's something else floating around too that wants to join in but can't because it's still too-
And then 80% of the population has super powers.
And there was small things like quarks and stuff
And is widely regarded as a bad move.
The story so far. The universe has been created, this has made a lot of people very angry

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