Best Funny History Memes in March 2020
This is our best collection of 20 History memes made in March that will cheer you up and make you laugh. This March history memes collection includes titles with funny history memes.
1- There's history outside war category you know
2- 100% legitimate quote
Where the rocket goes up is science.
Where the rocket goes down is politics
3- All road lead to Rome
Except If they're Country Roads, them they take you home
4- Washington Washingdogs
I'm just picturing General Howe running frantically through the lines whistling and clapping at his dog to try and get it to return to him while the dog is just sprinting off into enemy territory, and what a fantastic picture it is. Even better if the dog continuously lets him get close and then takes off again just as Howe is about to reach it.
I hear Savannah is nice, especially around Christmas.
6- At least you gotta good anthem out of it
Great format. What’s the original comic?
7- They both did it.
The olympics were in 1936 if I'm not wrong
Liechtenstein added a crown in his flag after that hahaha
I'm pretty sure historians say things like this already about the things happening atm but nobody listens
9- they banned me
Should have built the iron chancellor out of iron
10- "Hear me Roar"
Also China, I’m pretty sure the Chinese royal family never saw a dragon
11- So you’re telling me they’re not all cowards??
One of the saddest things I heard regarding this was on Dan Carlin's Armageddon series.
He mentions a soldiers account of a senior officer ranting about cowards (the shellshocked) and how he had just gave the orders to have one executed. While ranting, there were intermittent sounds of shells coming in and every time the senior officer heard the shell coming he'd suddenly go quiet, stop what he was doing and look up, waiting for impact. The man himself was suffering with a degree of shellshock and yet he was having someone executed for it.
12- Thematic
You'll go home when the Indian Army goes home damn it!
13- How dare they make themselves presentable
I mean the king who united Norway was known because he made a pact to never cut or comb his hair until he united it under one crown. Harald Tanglehair, later known as Harald Fairhair.
He also did it to impress a woman
14- They really like tea
I drink like 5 cups of leaf water a day it’s basically crack here
15- Stay away, you weird swamp Germans
Spice Race > Space Race
16- Oh yes, enslaved equality
not just the men
17- Its Just a memory
This was the first post when I opened my feed.
18- Remember kids, don't start a land war in Asia
19- Posting a meme for every day of 2020 Day 56
I'm reading the grapes of wrath right now. Those times were tough.
20- Spain is broke
You were doing well until everyone died