
All road lead to Rome History Memes

All road lead to Rome History Memes

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Or you could wear the DHL shirt from Vetements.
And this meme would have the panel: "I'm a servster, so l must take your order"
I would be down for this bizarre new counter culture
Once you get enough people to do that, a new clique is formed: Servsters

That Starbucks thing might actually be an entertaining idea. I could collect a ton of restraunt/fastfood uniforms and just wear those.
I mean, not necessarily but the whole idea behind punk is rebellion and anti establishment which even drives a lot of the stylistic choices so they're kind of hand in hand. So while you can dress however the hell you want, you're kind of an ass doing something that doesn't make any damn sense. It's like someone dressing up as a Starbuck's barista and when someone asks them about coffee, they just say "Nah fam, this is just a personal style choice."
Wait, what?
I hope the irony is not lost on anyone here that a counterculture label is being used as a club to beat a specific definition of that label into other people haha
Edit: fun stuff guys, and some really good thoughts. A lot of this stuff seems to belong heavily on r/gatekeeping
Too many people don't realize that style and ideology don't have to go together
Counter culture creates new group identity, eventually drives market opportunity, eventually becomes regular consumerist culture/fashion.
Limousine liberals
marathon, do you remember the name of the book? :)
there's a pretty good academic book on counter culture that asserts counter culture almost always comes from affluence. They gave a number of reasons, including who else has the free time to do so?
I'm punk but I'm also white and blonde so I support a status quo of income and wealth inequality that suspiciously mirrors ethnicity
This always trips me up.
You're not punk and I'm telling everyone
if you don’t rebel your not punk, you just like the fashion
Sometimes we just like pretty colors. It isn't necessarily looking for attention.
When looking for attention, the usual negative stereotype would be that you don't think you are getting any now, and you'll take any you can get, positive or negative.
With one, you simply want to appear better in other peoples eyes. You might think you look prettier with colored hair. Or more independent. Or any other positive trait.
Well, I might counter that there is a difference between wanting positive attention, and looking for attention.
While technically dying your hair doesn't necessarily mean you're vying for attention, I'd come up with some pretty good arguments as to the reason someone doing it is actually doing it for attention.
Right?? Like, the other two make sense (though they’re not on the same scale at all), but the Punk one??? That’s what punk is all about.
Crazy, right?
Or the fact the crazy hair one is black hair...
You just described white women in general
But like the punk one feels more agregious because it's the only one that's actually wrong if it said I like punk music or I wear dark clothes it would still be kinda shitty conflating it with racism but at least it wouldn't be wrong
I think in the original image it's greenish.
Now don't come with facts here. Everybody knows that the stereotype is that all irish are red haired, and we all know that stereotypes are always true.
Not really.
Maybe in Ireland?
Also, since when is black hair a crazy color?
Perfectly summarized.
This meme always gets the same response when it pops up because it takes the gals on the left who are defending their stylistic choices and conflates them with the one on the top right who is actually experiencing a mild form of racism. It's fairly inappropriate, IMO.
I do not get the point of the punk one. That is the meaning of punk. Why would you identify as punk but not as a rebel? What's the point? I feel like I'm thinking too much about this but it's weird, man.
Maybe Roma in Queensland?
Australia doesnt exist, all roads lead to Rome thus Australia cant exist because it has roads that dont lead to Rome.
Very difficult doesn't mean impossible...
Pretending you dont get paid is what an australian actor would do.
What's the point in pretending if I don't get paid
Are you implying you are an actor pretending to be Australian? Because that is exactly what an actor pretending to be an Australian would say
Where is my paycheck then?
Wdym? australia doesnt exist the people who say it exist are the ones pretending.
It was the same with the Americas too, but then USA built a whole lot of things inspired by Roman architecture to make up for bad behavior of their roads.
That's one reason why people pretended Australia didn't exist for most of world history. Also the reason New Zealand is still "forgotten" on world maps.
He didn't say it was difficult for the cars he said it was difficult for the roads
Not with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang it isn't
These Australian roads find the task very difficult
Hey I’ve seen this one before
I read rome as home the first time and thought it was about country roads
West Virginia , Mountain Mama
Put that thing away before I make you conquer this charge of indecency.
I conquered.
I conquered.
I saw
I came
Came here to say this
I’m a country road, so I must lead to West Virginia.
You don’t need roads in prison SMH
Certain death... by fire tornado, venomous snake, massive spider, man-eating plant, kangaroo violence, and much, much more.
Easy, roads in America lead to West Virginia, roads in Afro-Eurasia lead to Rome. I don't know where roads in Australia lead to.
Nah those with Latin heritage, I look at you Gauls with a crooked eye 🧐
Truth for those with European heritage.
I can't see Rome and Home in the same sentence without thinking that I want to move away.
I can't see home and Rome in the same sentence without thinking of the Irish revaluation
Carthago delenda est
Oh I think they most definitely have no choice.
Hey you don't have to be so salty
Carthage spits on Rome.
This is the redemption arch I come to Reddit for .
I get it
Rome is home
I don't get it
Rome is home
Spoken like a true Catholic. Deus Vult.
Western Empiiiiire
West colosseum!
Spoken like a true SURGEON!
Rome is where the heart is
Yep 6 cases for singular + 6 for plural + rinse and repeat for 5 declinations. Quite the handful...
Now write it 100 times. If it’s not done by morning I’ll come back and cut your balls off
I had no idea Roman had cases. There goes my desire to learn it.
Dative?? This is motion towards, isn't it?
Viae rusticae ducite me domui
I read this as I mounted yours
Mount your momma.
Take me home, Roman Roadsssss
Pax Romanaaaa
West Virginiaaaaa
I’m crying this is beautiful
Pax Romanaaaa, take me homeeee
i sang this comment out loud and i want the rest of the song now
Et tu, John Denver?
Julius Caesar liked this.
Get Weird Al on the phone now
Easy there, Frank.
A surprise to be sure but a welcome one
Now that's a song remake I wanna see!
Country Roadsssss lead to Romeeee, to the placeee i belooong, from Illyriaaa them to Galiaa, lead to Rome country roads
Country Roadsssss take me hoooome
Rome is Home

Except If they're Country Roads, them they take you home