
We all need some wholesome lgbt content in our lives (Happy Pride Month)

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I've been getting genuine tired of the "are you winning child" images however this made me grin

The cavetown banner is an absolute necessity. Incredible post, really filled my heart with joy :)

Did he fucking win for sure

continuously happy to see trans images on non trans subs especially when the remarks aren't bloodbaths!

Extraordinary image, awesome curve, only a disgrace the remarks will be the universes biggest shithole.

I'm going to attempt to keep this quick and painless.
In any case, it's really strange seeing all the heartwarming remarks and messages I've been getting. I haven't been doing to well with accepting my self as of late, after not being acknowledged by a whole companion bunch I had come out as well, however all the individuals who have gone into the remarks and said something decent really reminds that there r still great individuals on the planet.
Much obliged to you for Listening to my TED Talk

Trans rights are human rights