this is the old chair, couldn't fix it any longer, so I chose to make somewhat table out of it.

The chair is our feline Fitch his top pick, so he bid farewell before I tore it separated.

It broke into pieces entirely fast gratitude to spoiled parts.

After a touch of fiddling, portraying and what else I settled on a structure. I began with sanding the pieces.


top part thought all sanded down!

Connecting them with the best screws I could discover (they hold up truly great! I had nails laying around yet they were too short or too long for the wood..)

Testfitting the legs

sanded down!

Slice the top to fit consummately

Fits OK!

Looks incredible :)

Presently the bottom part

I nailed the legs together and remove the piece of the bottom part to make the table stable.

Also, done! It's stable enough and it's flat leveled. Fits impeccably with our seat.

I'll perceive how it holds up. Might re-try the legs from the other left over pieces and oil the table. Much obliged for looking at my table!
Source: @pr0jesse on imgur