
the "coming home late and feeling like you were in another dimension" starter pack

the "coming home late and feeling like you were in another dimension" starter pack
the "coming home late and feeling like you were in another dimension" starter pack
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Also, overhearing some weird private conversation between your parents and being confused about what you overheard.

Acting like you’re asleep so you don’t have to walk or help carry anything inside

What about the bit where you're asleep in the car and you feel the car going around that one corner and you know you're home
Edit: Thanks for my first awards!

Most accurate starter pack on this sub, hands down, like holy shit.

Did we all encounter this?

This is so specific and yet so true.

And in this time only the best music plays on radio, that you'll remeber forever, and when you hear it when you are already a grown up it brings the best memories you have

I just remember thinking during the car ride home "I really don't feel like brushing my teeth tonight, I really hope they don't make me brush my teeth"