
every time

every time : Anime Memes
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May I interest my fellow degenerates in Average Anime Tiddies and the small_boobs and medium_boobs tags on sites like danbooru?

I really hate when I'm looking up a character and they ignore all semblance of what they look like.
Making them bustier, making them thinner, no boobs when they were supposed to, the list goes on. Sometimes it's hard to find good r34

Ruins it for me
I don't mind slightly bigger than average but the Pumpkin sized ones are boring

Yeah the morbidly obese and scat is kind of a turn off

Plus the DVD sized areolas will be always a massive turnoff

I never understood who that shit was for. I'm looking for porn of this character because I find them sexy as they are. I don't need you to give them basketballs for an ass and tits.

Most relatable meme i have ever seen..

Not just anime but of cartoons roo, the best 34 is when it looks as if it came straight out of the cartoon or anime, not some bootlegged version.

I thought I was the only weirdo like this... I suddenly feel less alone in the world.

Slaps desk. Thank you!

I hate seeing my waifus turn into futa like why tho