Best Funny History Memes in 2020
30 best funny history memes that will make you laugh and inform you.
Wash your hands, folks

Semmelweis was ridiculed mercilessly by the medical community, despite having proof of his hygiene theory, eventually had a breakdown and died 14 days after being committed to a mental institution. Probably after being beaten up by the guards
One mini-mustache boi later...

Hindu: has swastika tattoo It's a religious symbol!
Nazi hunter: That's what they all say...
The movies doesn't do them justice though

It’s sad for those kamikaze pilots. The officers went to the pilots and asked for volunteers for a mission they would not survive. Obviously none of them wanted to go, but they didn’t really have a choice. If they refused, they’d be sent to some losing front and die in battle anyway. Their entire family would be ostracized from the Japanese community and they’d be labeled cowards and traitors for as long as they were remembered. So all of them volunteered to be kamikaze pilots.
A kamikaze pilot who was shot down and captured before he could crash said this about his comrades as they prepared to take off:
“everyone had the same expression in their eyes. Like a deep sea fish looking up at the sky above. I’ve never seen sadder expressions in anyone’s eyes since then.” -Kenichiro Oonuki
Nice Painting

Honestly I enjoy a lot of his art. He was very good, but if I recall correctly he got rejected for not being traditional enough. I love his works though. Art wise
Hopefully the US/UK relationship goes better than theirs did...

It was kind of a situation where the two countries were so similar that they had to end up being close allies (along with Canada, Australia and NZ).
I absolutely couldn’t imagine a war between any two of those countries today - it would be way too much like killing your own.
Kampfy chair

Hitler: The Treaty of Versailles took away our comfy chairs; we shall reclaim what is rightfully ours!
Is no one gonna talk about the Elephant in the battlefield?

Two mistakes, actually.
From what I recall, the king actually addressed the letter to Lincoln's predecessor, but it only arrived when Lincoln was already in the office. Also, the king didn't want the elephants to actually take part in the fighting, only in moving supplies.
Also, fun fact, the king's (Rama IV) son, name Rama V, would go on to abolish slavery in Thailand.
Future is now, Elephant!

They stuck a fucking vickers machine gun on an elephant?
Utter lunatics. My favourite kind
That’s a pro-gamer move

Step 1: order cuban cigars
Step 2: impose imbargo
Step 3: frick marilyn monroe
Step 4: profit
Saw the image on Trending, had to do it.

It took me too long to understand because I kept reading it as one of those roses are red violets are blue memes and wondering how a ship flying in the clouds rhymes with spices.
Bull Moose & Bismarck: Beast Mode Assassination F'ers

Bismarck: brings attacker close to his face I'm about to end you like I ended the Second French Empire
Medieval art is confusing

You may have killed me, but you will be remembered only as the guy who got so jealous of another dudes pimp ass hat that he backstabbed him.
And thus the rivalry began

Yes, more about automotive history please
France surrender haha

Salty french tears...Ma saveur favorite !!

He was a Kapral, or Corporal. Not outranking technically, but it’s the holy bear of all of Europe. God Bless the cigarette-eating Wojtek.
If the cross is red shoot ‘em dead

Always love to see some Clone Wars memes
There was a war in Korea?

Wait, your schools are teaching about WWII? Mine covers it briefly, if at all.
Edit: I work at a military history museum, and I had to do personal research (a lot) to get a spot there. Everything I know about the subject was obtained from books.
Wasn’t sure if I should put this in history memes

The witness flashbacks
Four Asian Tigers

>advanced **country**
>Taiwan, Hong kong
*winnie wants to have a word with you*
What a bunch of lovely people

Ah yes. Ok Vania, the one on the left is mine and you can have her mother! We'll also be called heroes! Ura!
"not in my backyard!"

A quote from the Mexican general staff "Fighting a war with America would be easy, winning it will be impossible"
There he goes loving again

My teacher keeps saying Chinggis Kahn and every time I hear it I imagine Big Chinggis, a fat Mongolian bunny
There is no beating that

Jewish half: Hey look, a penny!
German half: Oh, you would pick that up, wouldn't you?
Moments before the disaster

I mean yeah, but not quite. It’s been a while since I’ve read up on this, but I remember Ferrari was financially struggling and was really keen to the idea of ford buying them. The problem came during the actual signing when Enzo read the terms and saw that ford would have full control over everything, most importantly the racing division.
This quickly resulted in classic Italian cursing, ford walks away with nothing. And now we have a movie about it that I meant to watch but never found a good reason to go to the theater for.
Actually was thinking of buying a GP-5 gas mask.

A military grade gas mask typically has NBC protection so it would be much more effective than a simple surgical mask. However rubber definitely gets hot and sweaty fast.
Made this myself, hope it dies in new

Good to know he doesn't support him

pepare yourself

A new challenger has appeared .... The Mongols
Idk if those are really the exact numbers but I always heard it was three

And they all died in the first battle
*cigarette eating stops*

Just in case: Polish military camp in Iraq*